Volume 3.1 Spaceships

With any sci-fi inspired creations there will always be those who relish in the spirit and imagination of travelling to distant planets, exploring new worlds and experiencing travelling at the speed of light (or faster).  Spaceships are the method most notably used in science fiction and the creation of such ships and equipment is so varied and complex that there is never the same design created by two different artists.

Come on a journey as we take you into the minds and ships of artists with one agenda…to go beyond the stars…

“The quietness of space is daunting, and I find myself wondering what is out there.  Since arriving at the Space Dock, my mind has been filled with the sights of spaceships from every known corner of our galaxy.  It has been a sight to behold, the likes of which I was simply not expecting.

Huge cruisers with dozens of decks and engines the size of city blocks, fighters that look like they could cut paper with sleek lines and smooth skins, cargo vessels that seem to be smashed together from a variety of used parts and other ships yet to serve a function and purpose.  Then there are those that seem out of place, ominous in their scale. 

There is a massive cube like structure that sit 10,000km off in space, covered in beautiful green lights, yet no movement is visible.  It has the Command worried, so they are sending a squadron of Hornet fighters out to try and make contact.  We have been told not to worry as our defences are unmatched; yet for some strange reason, I have a feeling this Cube and several other ships coming in to dock are not what they appear to be. 

There are too many unknowns and I worry we are heading towards an unforeseen conflict of species.  Even my father has said he is considering reassignment, due to the increased speed at which new ships are now arriving and I know if my father is worried then we all should be worried.

Space is vast and we are now getting a glimpse of what is coming our way as we reach further into the dark void beyond.”