Volume 2 - Diorama

The creative designs and imaginative scenes inspired by life, the universe and everything is what most refer to as a Diorama. There is not one description that truly encompasses all styles. The word Diorama means “a model representing a scene with three-dimensional figures, either in miniature or as a large-scale museum exhibit”, yet somehow is more than this. For many, it is a glimpse into the world of possibilities, a scene from a dream of thought brought to life, captivating and juicing up the excitement of others.
This Volume is meant to do just that, inspire dreams, create possibilities, and maybe, just maybe lead you on a path to the creative world of model making.

Now, sit back, relax and let your mind go as you enter the world of possibilities.

Battle scenes, landscapes and glimpses of futuristic worlds were all that he could see in his dreams. He lay there, wondering if his mind had been playing tricks on him. He had heard that dreams are often glimpses into a reality, past or future, and this worries him. What sort of world was he heading for where everyone carried guns, cars were built like something from a Mad Max movie and even worse, robots roamed barren wastelands searching for tech. This was not the world that he wanted.
Yet as he rose and heard the TV in the other room, from the lounge room his wife say, “The world is going to hell”, and he knew that things were changing…. For the worse.
Tanks had entered several new capital cities around the world. The wars were spreading, and people were being forced to flee their homes or fight to protect them. Either way, things were not good.
Oh, how he wished he could go back to the days of kayaking down the river or working with his old man in the workshop. He stood in the hall looking at an old picture of his great grandfather boarding an old sailing ship bound for a new life and wondered what sort of a life his children would have.
His son and daughter had both been drafted into the fight several years back as pilots and were now heading for the moon. The last message he received from them was that they had discovered something that may change the course of human history for good.
It was a ray of hope in a dark and foreboding world, and he prayed that this may be the solution to the crises all mankind now faced.